
obsession of the week.

go see IRONMAN. it was great.
look how hot robert downey jr is!
(the actual movie is good too)


My love letter to Jason Segal

Dear Jason Segal,
I've loved you since "Freaks and Geeks". You then moved on to play an overemotional boyfriend on "Undeclared" and I loved you then too. You joined the cast of the successful "How I Met You Mother"...love you.

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall" was a fabulous movie. You bared it all and I thank you for that as well.

What I love the most is that you are currently penning a script for an all new Muppets movie. MUPPETS! God bless you Jason Segal for bringing them back. It is going to be incredible. With your writing skills and the Apatow crew acting with the Muppets-my head might explode.

Throw in Jason Bateman and I'm set.

Lots of Love and thanks,


don't be jealous of my taste in movies

kara (1:00:06 PM): dion
kara (1:00:09 PM): juno is on dvd
dion (1:00:21 PM): awesome
kara (1:00:23 PM): also i want to buy the movie mannequin for some reason
kara (1:00:28 PM): also 27 dresses
dion (1:00:31 PM): i don't even know you sometimes
kara (1:00:34 PM): lol


its in the toilet


It is now April and I've had to reach in a toilet THREE times this year. This third one happened in March, so that's at least once a month. I was attempting to wash my hands in Alayna's bathroom sink and I noticed she had some of Simon's toys/spoons in a plastic bag that she had to quickly throw in there earlier. I didnt want to get them covered in handsoap, so I picked up the bag with said toys and looked for a place to put them down. Luckily, the toilet seat was up, so the perfect place was to drop them in there. Whoops. Number 3. Hand in the toilet again. I reached in and grabbed them and then proceeded to wash the hell outta them.

Well, its only April 6th, so I still have some time for number 4. I wish I could be good at something like picking winning lottery numbers or basically anything that doesnt involve dropping something in the toilet and reaching in and getting them. Such is life.

Don't forget to check out the blog below. Its better than this one.


my typical friday night

The video you are about to see has not been altered in any way. These are real life events caught on camera. Parental discretion is advised.

Scene: The Blazakis' House
Time: 8pm, Friday night

Alayna, Steph and Kara arrived home from the track (running not gambling) with Chick Fil A for themselves and Dion. When Dion was done eating, he decided to throw the packet of buffalo wing sauce on the table very hard. It was funny to them because he also screamed "I'm so angry at the sauce!". Welllll, Kara thought it would be a good idea to record the scene so she asked him to do it again. That was the worst idea ever. See video below:

Note that Kara screamed because sauce went on her, the table, the ceiling, the walls, the floors, everywhere. Simon got scared and started screaming, Buddy was shaking and it was pure disaster.

Of course this video might only be funny to the said parties, but I posted it anyway.

Lesson learned: Don't be so angry at the sauce. And dont speak in third person.