
Will you accept this rose?

Today was the premiere of the new season of "The Bachelor". The lucky man this year is Ben from Ashley's "Bachelorette" season. When he was a bachelor vying for Ashley's attention, he seemed fairly boring but nice. His true colors came out when she denied his proposal last season. Sidenote - I think its a standard rule that you do not say no to a man who is on bended knee in front of you. You just dont let him get down on the knee. I think that was in an episode of SATC. Anyway, he snapped at Ashley and I was finally impressed. He said,  "Dont sugarcoat it" and then walked away.

I feel that he is pretty normal - thus his awkwardness. He definitely deserves better than the array of lunatics that are in this house now. Out of twenty-five girls, there are 3 that I think could be normal. Not sure though.

This show is so bad on so many levels. Here are a few reasons:
1) Its just a bad show. Women fighting over one man with weapons such as big boobs, low cut dresses and crazy flirting? Oh, you should add in alcohol to make the girls even crazier. Check.
2) For the girls in the real world that watch it - it is just perpetuating girl on girl hate. I am guilty. I am calling girls crazy and insane and calling them sluts, slores, slunts and whores. Do I know them? Nope. Its bad behavior for everyone involved.
3) The girls on this show have little to no self-esteem. I doubt they would be on this show if they did. Lets parade them around and then have them be brutally rejected on live tv. And to be safe - and to follow in the tradition of Emily/Brad - lets be sure to have super emotional activities that remind each girl of one of the following: their child at home, their child who has died, their husband who has died, their father who has died, their mother who has died, their dog who has died...well, you get my point.

Sometimes I make my husband watch so he knows what true crazy is. I figure if he sees the girls on this show and how they act...my little moments of mental wont look so bad...right?