

I love music. Whether you are feeling gloomy, happy, depressed, sad or normal--there is a song somewhere that fits your mood. I go through cycles of my musical tastes. I traditionally am a sucker for pop music, poppy punk music, 80's, etc.

Lately...I've been on an "alternative" kick. So, that means on Sirius, I'm listening to ALTERNATIVE NATION 21...roar! It's pretty good. I hear a lot of "mainstream" rock: Foo Fighters, Spoon, Muse, etc. I also hear of a little band called Against Me! Not to be confused with Rise Against. Although ALT NATION plays them both. I am a fan of Against Me!'s latest single "Thrash Unreal" and I really enjoy the exclamation point in their name. I think that's what sets them apart from Rise Against, because honestly--sorry musically inclined friends--I don't know the difference between them.

Exclamation points make the band. Also, don't go changing your name. Especially if it involves an exclamation point!

Did you know that Panic! at the Disco changed their name to Panic at the Disco? Slight difference---the exclamation point! That's what made them great! Now its boring. To spite them, after downloading their new single, I added an exclamation point to their name. First of all, it was better and second of all, I wont let them dictate how my songs are played in my I pod. I don't want half of their songs under one name and the other half under the less cool version of their name.

Next. A New Found Glory. They are pretty much my favorite band ever but after album 1 they decided to rid themselves of the "A". I prefer the A. All of their albums are listed under my I pod as "A New Found Glory".

Another band that I don't really care too much about is AFI. Their name has always been shortened to AFI but they changed the meaning of what AFI meant twice (thanks nick). First it was Asking For It and now its A Fire Inside. I read a website that said it was used to be A Fire Inside Your Heart. Come on! Make up your mind. Or at least use an exclamation point--AFI! looks cool.

So that's that. I like exclamation points and fun things that make bands stand out.
I'll end with this quote from Seinfeld (the greatest show ever)...its long but worth it. And I'm sad that I didnt search for this...I knew this quote existed because it had a profound effect on me and my love for exclamation points. Enjoy.

Elaine: Well, I was just curious why you didn't use an exclamation point?

Jake: What are you talking about?

Elaine: See, right here you wrote "Myra had the baby", but you didn't use an exclamation point.

Jake: So?

Elaine: So, it's nothing. Forget it, forget it, I just find it curious.

Jake: What's so curious about it?

Elaine: Well, I mean if one of your close friends had a baby and I left you a message about it, I would use an exclamation point.

Jake: Well, maybe I don't use my exclamation points as haphazardly as you do.

Elaine: You don't think that someone having a baby warrants an exclamation point.

Jake: Hey, I just chalked down the message. I didn't know I was required to capture the mood of each caller.

Elaine: I just thought you would be a little more excited about a friend of mine having a baby.

Jake: Ok, I'm excited. I just don't happen to like exclamation points.

Elaine: Well, you know Jake, you should learn to use them. Like the way I'm talking right now, I would put an exclamation points at the end of all these sentences! On this one! And on that one!

Jake: Well, you can put one on this one: I'm leaving!


5A. Jerry and Elaine

Jerry: You're out of your mind you know that.

Elaine: What?

Jerry: It's an exclamation point! It's a line with a dot under it.

Elaine: Well, I felt a call for one.

Jerry: A call for one, you know I thought I've heard everything. I've never heard a relationship being affected by a punctuation.

Elaine: I found it very troubling that he didn't use one.


This Is Allan said...

actually, snob that i am....the new AFI cd, "December Underground" was reaaaaally good. It's got a good snythesiszer (sp?) vibe to it.

This Is Allan said...

btw! don't forget to update my link to http://the-squeaky-wheel.blogspot.com