
Go Class of 1993 and 1994 and 2003!

A few people to thank for this blog before I get started:
-Alayna. Thank you for starting a blog that I actually remember to read.
-Nicholas. Thanks for encouraging my unhealthy obsession with Saved By The Bell and Pee Wee.
-TBS. You are a genius network that gives me four episodes of SBTB every morning.

Speaking of which...

I usually only get to watch two episodes of SBTB every morning before work. People often ask me why I get up so early. I make up excuses that I'm slow and that I like to make my lunch, coffee, etc in the morning, but the real reason is...I watch SBTB. Granted, I have seen all of these episodes about 12 million times* but they are still funny and still create a fury inside of me like no other.
*actual calculated number

Today I watched the Graduation episode. The thing that drives me crazy about this episode is the fact that when "the gang" is called up to receive their diplomas, they are completely out of alphabetical order. Come on. Zack graduated last. Did you know that Morris comes after Kapowski, Powers, Slater, Spano and Turtle? See? SBTB was educational!

"The Gang" was Class of 1993. Do you remember that they came back the following year without Jessie and Kelly and the addition of Tori? Now they are the Class of 1994. I think. Honestly, I'm too lazy to really track it down and figure it out and if I did, I'd be really sad for myself (ok and proud too. but mostly sad. maybe).

This brings me into the second episode I saw this morning...

"Time Capsule". A basic summary is that a "new class" (not to be confused with SBTB: The New Class") brings in a time capsule to Mr. Belding. It is from the Class of 1993. This helps with the theory I've heard from friends that the 1994 class was all a dream. Anyway, it's ten years in the future and 1993 has left...a VIDEOTAPE for the class of 2003. Pretty high-tech. So, Mr. B pops in the video and its the 1993 bunch. Yay. The great thing about SBTB is how politically correct it is. Sort of. To be completely blunt, there are very specific types of people on the show.

1. Nerd (Screech)
2. Hot Girl (Kelly)
3. Minority Jock (Slater)
4. Cool/Hot Guy (Zack)
5. Smart Girl (Jessie)
6. Minority Girl (Lisa)

I mean, its always been obvious, but even more so in "Time Capsule". The brilliant writers of SBTB couldnt think of any other stereotypes to include in a new 30 minute episode, so they created the exact same stereotypes. Viewing the video included: Mr. B with a 'stache, an African-American girl, a smart girl, a minority jock, a nerd and a hot guy with blonde hair. They even went as far as to have the smart girl call the minority jock "a pig". Anyone who knows SBTB knows that "pig" is reserved for Jessie to Slater. Only.

Wow. I think I just had a Zack Attack.

1 comment:

This Is Allan said...

Now I know you love that show, but I just can't defend that kind of sloppy writing. Re-hashed faux cast members, sheesh.

Great start though! Thanks for the link.