
the many loves of zachary morris

Zack dated every girl that entered Bayside High, The Max, The Mall, etc. My favorite episodes were the ones that involved a girl with some sort of special feature or handicap. More on that later. Here are the "loves" that I can remember. I make it a point not to look up things, so sadly, all of this SBTB info is acquired knowledge that is taking up space in my brain while I cant remember advertising rates for work or passwords.

1. Stevie
This was during the "Good Morning Miss Bliss" days. He had a mad crush on the superstar singer who used to go to Bayside. I dont know if this counts as a girlfriend, but I really liked these episodes for the song "Hotline To Your Heart" (I need direct connection)

2. Kelly Kapowski
Zack's true love and future wife. She dumped him during the costume prom while Jessie and Slater were singing "How am I supposed to live without you?" for hot Max Manager, Jeff. (aka the original Austin from Days of our Lives)

Jessie Spano
Zack and Jessie hooked up during Bayside's production of "Snow White and the Seven Dorks". It was lame and short lived. And kind of weird.

4. Lisa Turtle
Zack broke Screech's heart and kissed Lisa during her fashion show (The Tori Years). Awkward, but it had to be done to complete the circle of hooking up with each "main girl" from the group.

5. Tori
Zack fell for tomboy Tori in the midst of a bet with Slater on who could kiss her first. This is the only episode of the Tori years that I really like. I think its because there is a costume ball and Screech dresses as Gumby.

5. Stacy Carosi
By far my favorite girlfriend of Zack's outside of the main girls...mainly because the episodes at Malibu Sands were my favorite.

Random girls that I might not know the names of:

-Kristy the wrestler. Zack liked Kristy until she defended him in front of a bunch of guys at The Max. Way to hurt the ego. Kristy was the worst.
-JB Slater. The Slaters had a thing for initials. Albert Clifford became AC and then his little sister (who looked like she was 3o) was JB. I dont know what her initials stand for though.
-Homeless girl. I think Zack met her at Mr. Mooneys Shop for Men. She was a coworker of Kelly's. Her father passed out and then they moved in with the Morris'.
-Girl in wheelchair. Result of the Teen Help line (The Tori Years). Organized an inappropriate wheelchair basketball game.
-Overweight girl. I vaguely remember Zack dating a girl that was overweight. This was a very big deal apparently.
-Nurse. They didnt date, but he liked her a lot. I think her name was Jennifer. She pretended to seduce him. Looking back, this was wildly inappropriate behavior for a woman in her late 20's with a 15 year old...in the school nurse's office!
-Chick from Hawaii with a kid. Rena Sofer. She is my least favorite actress in the world. I have nothing else to say.
-College girl from USC. She walked into the Max and Zack offered to help her fix her car by offering his 40 lb cell phone. Amazing. This eventually leads to Kelly finding out that Jeff is cheating on her at The Attic. Screech makes fake IDs. Great episode.

Besides the main girls, the gf's didnt last for more than one episode. Use 'em and lose 'em. Zack Morris was a manslut.

1 comment:

puddleduck!! said...

Oh, what a great list. Remember the girl he wanted to get with in the SAT episode? She's Ben Stiller's wife now. And the overweight girl won him at an auction so he had to go on a date with her. The subtext in this episode leads me to believe Zack never went all the way, but DID get a blowjay.