
so fresh and so clean

This post may be a little gross. If you'd prefer to read a less gross post, I did my Oscar picks below.

I'm not sure how many people that read this blog watch Style Network. I pretty much watch Style all day on Saturdays. Even if I'm not paying attention-its on in the background. There are numerous mindless shows including: Split Ends, Clean House, Dr. 90210, Extreme Makeover, etc.

What I dont care for...are the commercials. If I hear one more commercial for feminine cleansing/douching or KY jelly, I'm going to lose it. The commercials are gross and creepy. Each of these commercials has one hideous aspect to them.

Cleansing commercial:
-The V/O says "use it here, here, etc and after being intimate" EWWW!

KY commercial:
-They show a split screen of "normal" KY that is slimey and the new KY that is a "mousse". EWWWW!

Seriously, worst commercials ever. Granted, I am a woman and I'm watching Style network so I guess they are reaching their "target market", but I have to say, I'm horrified by the commercials. They are on all the time. Hey Comcast! I'm a woman and I'd like to see commercials that werent just focused on douching and KY jelly.

I'd be happy if I never saw or heard another thing about douching or KY jelly.

On the flipside, I find that calling people douchebags is quite humorous.

There is nothing good to say about KY jelly. *shiver* EWWW!

1 comment:

This Is Allan said...

don't knock KY till you've tried it. it really saves time in the sack when you need to just blurt one out. i'll be all over that mousse stuff though.