
you auto check this out

I have a personal vendetta against automatic faucets, toilets and most importantly, paper towel dispensers. I generally like the idea of not touching flushers or faucets but sometimes they are just not convenient. At work we have automatic toilets (that dont really flush when they are supposed to, but flush immediately as you enter the stall so that toilet water sprays on you) and automatic faucets. The faucets never work. You stand there for ten minutes with your hand under and nothing happens. Then as soon as you walk away, the faucet runs for at 5 minutes. Ugh. So, work decided that it would be beneficial to now install automatic paper towel dispensers. Again, the fun arrives when you need to dry your hands from the overactive faucet and you stand there dripping your hands all over the floor as you frantically wave your hands in front of the sensor that--guess what---doesnt work. So, when the glorious day comes when the paper towel is actually dispensed, you only get one small square. I need at least 3 to dry my hands and 1 to grab the handle on the way out since a lot of women come in and out and dont wash their hands. That's a whole other subject. Some days, the paper towels are loaded so that two come out at once. Days like this make me so happy. It really is the small joys in life.

Today was not one of those small joys. I left my desk to go change for the gym...in the bathroom, somehow my badge was being juggled between my hands and of course--it went into the toilet. I just stared for a few minutes and then heard the rumblings of the automatic flusher. I had to reach in and grab my badge before it was flushed down the toilet! When I yank it out, my badge holder retained a lot of water and before I knew it, water was all over the bathroom floor. This makes it two times this year so far that I've had to reach my hand into a toilet to get things...and its only March.

Needless to say, if the automatic flusher wasnt in the bathroom, I would have been able to grab the badge in a different way maybe instead of with my hand. But no, I had to react quickly and just stick my hand in. Stupid automatic flushers.


This Is Allan said...

thats funny. i was actually planning on doing a post on how awesome the bathrooms here are, as compared to the ones at home.

This Is Allan said...

btw, that was a GREAT pun title.