
MosSteve (1:47:56 PM): there's a fine line between reality and delusion kara

I've been really hyper on writing letters and complaining lately. It all started with my InStyle magazine not being renewed after I have already paid for it. I paid in January. Obviously I missed the February issue, but why would I miss March as well? So I complained and got the March issue for free. Small battles I know.

Yesterday I wrote a strongly worded email to Entertainment Weekly about a poor movie review they gave "Penelope". They gave it an "F". So ridiculous. I wrote my letter about my disgust for their reviewers while also praising Diablo Cody. I hope it gets published. Mostly because I used the words 'hope' and 'hopefully' in the same sentence and didnt notice til it was sent. Dammit!

Today I'm thinking about writing a strongly worded letter to the gym. Everyday when I'm in there, the children's holding area is overflowing with children. There are only 2 sixteen year old girls there to wrangle all of the children. First of all, get more employees. Second of all, the girls that you hire should actually watch the kids instead of talking on their cell phone, talking to their friends and eating McDonalds. In the past week, I've seen two children escape without the dumbass girls even noticing and they climbed on the equipment! Most of the kids escape and run into the ball pit...where...by the way, the "workers" dont watch them. I hope to God one of them doesnt fall off the top of the jungle gym/ball thing...it wouldnt matter because no one would be watching. The kids that are penned up have mastered the art of the latch hook on the door...and the kids are probably way smarter than the girls that work there anyway. On Thursday I saw a little boy get locked out and he was holding himself because he had to go to the bathroom. Did anyone notice? NOPE. He had to frantically wave down his mother on a machine and she had to take him. Worthless workers. I would never leave my child with them. I wouldnt expect much since the people working are pretty much kids themselves, but come on. Children escaping? That's a bit much.

On a side note...do you know how you go to Chick Fil A and everyone is usually extremely pleasant and says "My pleasure"? Well, not tonight. Apparently Layne and I brought out the worst in their workers...they were horrendous. Dont ask for Buffalo Wing Sauce. They'll give you dirty looks (me). Dont forget if your food is "for here" or "to go"...they'll freeze you with their glares (Alayna). How dare you Chick Fil A. How dare you.

1 comment:

This Is Allan said...

you need to write more angry letters. my roomate got a crappy sub/service from the local Quizznos, and wrote a nasty letter. they ended up sending him a coupon for 2 free subs. awesome.

on a side note, me and melissa have been planning to write numerous angry letters to multiple companys to see who gives the best, quickest, and generally more appealling reply. then we will publish them and be scientists.