
My love letter to Jason Segal

Dear Jason Segal,
I've loved you since "Freaks and Geeks". You then moved on to play an overemotional boyfriend on "Undeclared" and I loved you then too. You joined the cast of the successful "How I Met You Mother"...love you.

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall" was a fabulous movie. You bared it all and I thank you for that as well.

What I love the most is that you are currently penning a script for an all new Muppets movie. MUPPETS! God bless you Jason Segal for bringing them back. It is going to be incredible. With your writing skills and the Apatow crew acting with the Muppets-my head might explode.

Throw in Jason Bateman and I'm set.

Lots of Love and thanks,


Anonymous said...

i don't know who that guy is really, but i love that you wrote him a love letter.

Anonymous said...

this is awesome Kara. Not as good as the paper towel dispenser rant but damn good.

Anonymous said...

this is awesome kara. Not as good as the paper towl dispenser rant but pretty great.