
dad's quotes from the weekend

These may only be funny to me and my friends who know my dad...but regardless they are being posted.

1. "i dont care who you know. those girls are all whores."
(referring to "farmer wants a wife")

2. "they moved him to the bottom floor of the hospital so in case there is a fire they can just chuck him out the window"
(referring to his own brother)

3. "i dunno. some guy who's name means beef in french"
(referring to shia lebeouf)

4. "im clicking my button on my shirt, leave me alone"
(his answer after i asked what that noise was)

5. "im going to stand here on the side until my leg works again"
(after sitting during "ironman")

6. "you are truly mentally ill. did you know that?"
(talking to me)

(dashing mine and ellen's hopes for the future)

8. "I'd cover the table with hot sauce. That would stop him"
(referring to Simon's love of chewing on coffee tables)


Anonymous said...

I am cracking up at my desk. I especially liked the button clicking comment and the hot sauce. NIIIIICE.

Nola said...

Wow, Kara! I only briefly met your dad at A/D's wedding, but this post really helps me GET you a whole lot more. Thanks!