


It stands for "Read No Response". It happens when someone (generally a female) sends a text message or email to someone (generally a male) and the said person reads and doesn't respond. Hence the term RNR.

I often wonder how difficult it must be to answer text messages...oh wait, I don't have to wonder. I know that it isn't difficult AT ALL. Usually a response of "ok", "sure", "np" or even "k" for shit sake is acceptable.

I've decided to put together a few steps that will help the novice deal with an RNR. The more I think about it, the more I realize I'm probably not qualified to help with RNR's, but oh well.

1. Don't let the RNR ruin your life.
Often times the response to a text message is so detrimental to our lives that our mood and overall happiness will be tragically altered by the non-responsive party. Mind over matter. Realize that the said party probably isnt thinking about the text as much as you are. They acknowledge it by reading it and maybe smiling to themselves or making a mental note, etc.

2. Ask a question.
This is usually a good way to ensure a response to a typically non-responsive RNR-er. If you ask a question, it generally forces the said party to answer.

3. Stop the torture. Stop the texting.
I swear to God, texting is the new "drunk dial". I cant tell you how many times I text when I dont mean to or want to. I can see myself texting and I'm telling myself to stop but I cant. It's a drug. If I would just put the phone down, I could avoid all unnecessary *potential* disappointments.

I was a MassComm major. I blame all of this on my need to constantly be in communication with people. Maybe its because I'm an only child and need constant attention. Whatever it is, I need it constantly.

I felt that for this blog to be official and accurate...I should send a text in the middle of it. Well, the results included 2 responses and one last text from me with no response. Do I regret this decision?

Okay, lets recap...and see how I did.

1. Life ruined?
Mild devastation, not permanent or severe.

2. Did I ask a question?
No, so really no need for a response.

3. Stop texting.
Did I stop? No. I should have.

Again, do I regret my decisions? My answer is no. It was for the greater good of the blog. And I've learned my lesson. Just say no to texting, kids. It's the devil.


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU KARA! Oh, and you are so, so right. Texting is the new drunk dial. I hate it and love it. But mostly hate it.

Anonymous said...

I was RNRed today. So, I took matters into my own hands and texted a question that related to the email. I finally received a return message 47 minutes later, and it was pretty lame. Then I sent another one, and that one was RNRed as well. Now I'm devastated. Fuck technology, Kip Dynamite. FUCK TECHNOLOGY.