
conan fever...leno plague

There is no reasoning to this blog title other than the fact I hate Jay Leno so I wanted to associate him with the plague.

Remember back in 2004 when Leno announced his retirement and the world rejoiced because Conan would FINALLY take over The Tonight Show in 2009? Well guess what, its 2009 and things aren't as they seem.

Rumors swirled....
-Leno could move to ABC , Kimmel would then leave
-Leno would take a 10pm slot, etc

NBC announced that Conan would take the 11:30 "Tonight Show" spot and that Jimmy Fallon would move into Conan's 12:30am slot. This news seemed fine to me. Main reason: no more Jay Leno.

I love Conan more than anything, no one is as funny or as bizarre as he is. When I was a freshman in college I found some link on nbc.com where you could receive an autographed pic of Conan. I didn't receive it until my senior year...3 years later...but it doesnt matter. I have it. I have a lovely autographed picture of Conan O'Brien. I heart him.

Wow, no outline as usual. So back to the whole point of this...I found out yesterday that Leno will be taking a 10pm slot on NBC. Which means:

11:30pm-"The Tonight Show" with Conan O'Brien
12:30am-Jimmy Fallon*

12:00am-Jimmy KImmel

11:30pm-David Letterman
12:30am-Craig Ferguson

What does this say to Conan? "We didnt think you'd be able to handle the 11:30 slot, so we're giving you Jay as a lead-in like you've had for the past 20 years." The Jay and Conan audience are totally different. This is because anyone that likes Leno has no sense of humor and those who like Conan probably have the best sense humor. Ouch, fightin words.

So in a sense, Conan is still in his same slot, just a different title. He was sort of shafted on the whole getting "The Tonight Show". Kind of sucks. I still wonder what type of show he'll have at 11:30...curious if he'll keep things to the same low-grade humor that we're used to..aka masturbating bear to name one.

The only reason I'm happy is because I'm old and can't stay up to 12:30am most weeknights...now I'll be able to watch Conan at 11:30...or the first 10 min anyway.

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