
get out of my face, facebook!

So, let's get this out of the way- I really like Facebook. I used to be a Myspace kind of girl...but the lure of Scramble and Pathwords brought me to the dark side.

My main *original* complaint about Facebook was that I just didn't get it. I didn't understand why someone was "poking me" or "throwing a sheep in my direction" amongst other things. Again through the games and the ease of posting/tagging photos, I became a quick fan....a rabid supporter if you will.

As of late, I've been noticing I'm receiving more and more requests for what I think is weird. No, I do not want to accept your Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas treat. I'm terrified of whatever a "hatching egg" is and guess what--we will probably not actually prevent global warming by accepting a "lil green patch".

I logged in yesterday and I have a record high 27 requests. I did a screenshot to show the absurdity. I think my favorite is "1 kidnap request". So now someone is requesting to kidnap me?? How polite. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the thought when you click on my name to send me stuff...but chances are I won't accept it. Now its more of a personal vendetta against the requests. Or notifications. How insane is this? Check out the screenshot below.

Here are the requests since it didn't show up too well:
1. 1 friend request
2. 1 own your friends invitation
3. 3 drinking requests
4. 1 purple reign!!!! w request
5. 1 wacko for flacco!!! request
6. 1 heart request
7. 1 my christmas present invitation
8. 1 you're hot request
9. 1 christmas decoration request
10. 1 gingerbread cookies request
11. 1 cause invitations request
12. 1 christmas treats request
13. 3 (lil) green patch requests
14. 1 wacko for flacco! wa request
15. 1 portis hit the purpl request
16. 1 go joe flacco! wave request
17. 1 baltimore gifts request
18. 2 christmas tree requests
19. 1 holiday-cheer request
20. 1 i love the 80s invitation
21. 1 kidnap request
22. 1 thinking of your request

Anyway, time go, I have to open my christmas gifts, wave for joe flacco and have a virtual drink.

1 comment:

Albers said...

Maybe if you didn't have such strange people for friends, you wouldn't have this problem.
Being less popular would also probably help.