
blog challenge #1: "nothing really matters"

Why hello there. Let me explain the title of this blog. A "blog challenge" is something Allan and I came up with to help relieve his writers block. Originally I thought it would be fun if Allan posted on my blog and I posted on his--but the look on his face when I suggested that made me think that he wouldn't be so excited about a SBTB post. The nerve. Regardless, we agreed to choose topics for each other to blog about. I wont reveal the topic I chose for him, you'll just have to read his blog to find out...and you can find it with that handy toolbar on the side. What's my challenge you ask? Here is it is:
you'll be writing about something positive. it doesn't have to be something you hate and then put a posi spin on, (something besides saved by the bell) but something you enjoy, and then provide reasoning for why you like it. you can provide your reasoning in any way you like, however 3 of the reasons must be truthfull, and 3 of them must be fabricated. they don't have to follow that order, as you may insert them as you see fit.

So, if you know me at all, this blog is quite a challenge. Contrary to popular belief, I like A LOT of things. Narrowing the topic down was difficult. In order to make myself feel better, I'm going to list a lot of random things I like and then at the end expand upon one item which probably wont be listed just to throw in that element of surprise.

You'll notice to the right I've already listed things I like. Here are a few more:
-black shirts
-hot sauce
-ranch dressing
-grocery stores
-the smell of gasoline
-black and white photography
-the hoover dam
-the "welcome to las vegas" sign
-reading signs out loud that have lightbulbs burned out and spell different things
(lazy bo, llar buys)

Enough of that nonsense. What I've decided to write about is "Bohemian Rhapsody".

Thats right. The song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. Who doesnt love this song? I remember the song from when I was little and I'd hear it randomly in the car and I was always confused but amused by it. Everyone knows I'm not very well schooled on 70's music...but when it comes to 80's and 90's I'm right there. Thus explaining why I really rediscovered the song when "Wayne's World" came out in 1992. I love "Wayne's World" and having this song featured in the movie made it even better. It's the greatest car scene in any movie. That is a bold statement and I will stand by it. Thanks to Wiki, you can read all about "Bohemian Rhapsody" here. What I will steal from Wiki is the breakdown of the song. It is possibly one of the coolest songs ever because there
is no "hook" or for you less cool people (haha), no chorus.

Here it is:
1. Introduction
2. Ballad
3. Guitar Solo
4. Opera
5. Heavy Metal
6. Outro

My favorite part for fun sake is the opera...but the heavy metal f'ing rocks. The guitar riff and the lyrics are amazing. "cant do this to me baby, just gotta get out, just gotta get right out of here"-powerful. And you know, dont deny it, that the build up to the heavy metal section is one of the most energizing parts to any song. What a rush. I actually had the chance to analyze this song in college in my "History of Rock and Roll" class. We discussed every part and even the fabulous chimes that come into play during the song. I cant believe I just referenced "fabulous chimes"...anyway...

As I delve into the wonderment that is 'Bohemian Rhapsody", I discovered that many people used this song as an excuse for their crimes. Just because Freddie sings "I just killed a man", well it doesnt mean that you should go out and do it. You cant blame media/pop culture for your own actions. Apparently the song got a bad rep for this, but it was more recently revived when a c
hoir group from somewhere in the midwest sang it a competition. It was one of those gospel competitions which I know exist because The Baltimore Sun used to run one called "UniSun". Whoa tangent. Anyway, the audience was overwhelmed with emotion and could not control their tears. I LOVE THIS. I like overreaction and the fact that music is so emotional. I love when it makes you laugh, smile, or brings you to tears like that audience in the midwest. I find the story a bit far fetched because I cant imagine a whole audience crying over one song, but stranger things have happened. I would probably cry over the "Charles in Charge" theme if it sounded good enough. Anyway, this event didnt take place in Kentucky because its actually illegal to perform "Bohemian Rhapsody" in public there. That makes me like the song even more. I wonder if I could go there and just play it in public, like on a boombox, old school. Would that be illegal? I hope so, what a great record to have: Arrested for playing "Bohemian Rhapsody".

I have great memories tied to this song...not only because of the movie "Waynes World", but because of the ride "The Hurler" in Kings Dominion. I'm pretty certain they played the song throughout the ride or in Stan Mikita's...somewhere. Regardless, thats a bitchin rollercoaster. Although, literally two seconds after writing that sentence, I discovered that Kings Dominion has been sold to Cedar Fair and is no longer owned by Paramount. Guess what that means? I'm
horrified to report that the "Wayne's World" area of Kings Dominion no longer exists. "The Hurler" is still there but any reference to Wayne is gone. Stan Mikita's is now a "Happy Days Diner". Holy crap that is awful. I'm a fan of "Happy Days", but it just seems so wrong. What happened to the Merth mobile? This is just another entry in the diary of Kara and her devastating discoveries about old amusement parks. I cant even find a picture of the old area. I'm so sad. I think I have a picture from my middle school class trip in 1994. Here is a picture of Stan Mikita:

Oh Stan. The diner made in your likeness is gone. Goodbye.

Well, this blog has certainly taken a depressing turn. All I can do to bring you back is to lift your spirits with the harmonious joy of the senses that is "Bohemian Rhapsody". Maybe the next time you're in the car with your friends and it comes on, you'll headbang and do guitar/drum solos just like Wayne and Garth in the movie and just like me, Brandon, Heather and Adam did once after a concert.

Party on Freddie.


puddleduck!! said...

The Hurler isn't The Hurler anymore? What the damn shits heaven's gate is wrong with this world?

Anonymous said...

you are retarded