
worm ears, bad music and picnic tables=true love.

Going back to the roots of this blog. Saved By The Bell!!

This morning I had the pleasure of watching a well-rounded episode.

How is that possible? What episode you ask? Well none other than "The Prom" episode.

This is a classic episode. Usually all prom episodes of any teen-targeted show are a big deal.
Examples include: 90210...If you'll remember, Donna got drunk off of (literally) one glass of champagne and almost didn't graduate and there was something about this tee shirt (see below) andddd well thats really my only example, but its a good one.ANYWAY...

In this particular SBTB, we have a few story lines going on.

To start, the main story line features Kelly finally making a decision between her two male suitors--Zack and Slater. The boys finally give Kelly an ultimatum...she has to pick one of them to join at prom.

1. Dream sequence (the infamous pink border around television)
-This dream featured Screech as "Geraldo Screech" also combining a competition between Zack and Slater. There was an evening wear competition and Slater was actually wearing a white suit a la Miami Vice. Kelly chooses Dream Slater in the dream, but somehow Dream Zack wins her over so when she wakes up, she decides to choose Zack instead. Seems sort of fishy to me.

2. Kelly chooses Zack over Slater as a prom date
-This is a pivotal moment...its starts the Zack/Kelly relationship and leaves Slater available to date Jessie. Zack begins preparation right away-securing a limo, etc. Come on. We knew all along that Kelly wouldnt be able to resist Zack's charm and technological savvy (his 10lb cell phone).

3. Kelly's Dad loses his job
-Mr. Kapowski informs Kelly that he has lost his job and needs her to stay positive and help the family. There is some sort of exchange about peace breaking out, the defense department, etc etc. It was way too intense for me to follow. Kelly offers to give up her money for the prom dress...Mr. Kapowski refuses at first but then the bastard gives in and takes the money back. This is where Kelly first mentions her "7 siblings". The rarely seen little Kapowskis. I believe there is a sister that makes an appearance in later episodes and also who could forget Baby Billy? Kelly cries after her Dad leaves and exclaims "This is the first time I've lied to my father!!" The emotions in the scene are overwhelming.

4. Box of worms
-Ah Screech. Never gives up on Lisa no matter how mean she is to him. Lisa said she would go out with Screech when "worms have ears!" Well, Screech sent her a box of worms with little taped on ears. Classic.

5. The date
-Screech and Lisa went on their first date, but sat in this order: Screech, Slater, Jessie, Zack, Kelly, then Lisa. Hilarity ensues...Lisa wont sit next to Screech, there is some yelling, then Screech finally sits next to Lisa and buys her popcorn/soda combo. Lisa proceeds to talk the whole time and annoys Screech...asking each time if the zombie is "Matt Dillion"...to which Screech replies with one of the best lines of the episode, "Alan Thicke is the zombie, everyone knows that!!"

6. Jessie and Slater go to prom together
-This is where their relationship finally started to blossom. There is numerous name-calling and arguing. Examples-- Jessie calls Slater a "Chair pig", Jessie says that Slater only likes the lambada, Slater says Jessie only likes protest music, etc etc.

Then Jessie criticizes Slater's TAPES--being that he only showed up with Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson. And just to point out...they mentioned real artist names, but I guess couldn't afford the rights to the music...because when Jessie and Slater (the music chairs for the prom committee) finally decided on music, it turned out to be that crazy-ass SBTB instrumental music that they play at The Max. To top it all off, poor Screech was the DJ. You know he didnt get paid. WTF did Bayside spend their money on?

7. Actual Prom
-Jessie and Slater wow-ed the crowd with their dancing skills. Which included Jessie's highly inappropriate leg on Slater...seems that she had more experience pole dancing in preparation for her role in "Showgirls" than previously suspected. Slater was really dancing up a storm too. I keep bringing this up in these blogs because he totally he did have dancing experience yet tried to pretend that he didnt when he was on "Dancing with the Stars". He donned a tutu one too many times. Kelly/Zack had their own special prom outside on a picnic table.

It showed Zack's sweet side as he planned a prom complete with their own personalized party banner that said "Kelly and Zack's Prom". They had their first dance and kiss and eventually because of this pivotal episode...although there were some bumps along the way (ie Jeff)...they got married.

Therefore, this episode plays out like some sort of madcap Shakespearean comedy. Um, of course, that's only if I pretend that this one episode combines with the wedding episode that actually aired like 5 years later. Whatever, I love SBTB.


boy meets girl...

Boy Meets Girl is a band from the 80's who were most famous for the song "Waiting for a Star to Fall". The song was featured in "Three Men and a Baby" during a frisbee montage at the end of the movie. I'm not sure if that last sentence is actually true, but I will pretend that it is and I didnt somehow make up a scene in that movie...because that would be sad.

Anyway, I remember hearing this particular song on the 4th of July driving in my car as I saw beautiful fireworks in the distance. It was all very romantic and romantic-comedy-like. I tried to think that it represented some sort of independence from everyone and an independence from my need to be involved in over dramatic situations that I probably create on my own.

But of course, all I really discovered was A) I think too much when I drive alone and B) that I'm a total softie for 80s love songs and anything love-related in general. I've never been one to fall into weepiness over stereotypical "romantic" things...but this song makes my heart go a-flutter.

Besides that goofy 80s song, today (the 11th) I was inspired by something lovely. I was driving to Alayna's on 83N when I saw someones message to their significant other (or maybe crush, stalking victim, etc) on one of the bridges above. It was the infamous creation of words by red plastic cups. Generally used for the magnificent flip cup/beer pong variety, these cups actually spelled the name of the intended party and then a few moments later the second bridge spelled "I love ya" in cups. It struck me as really sweet and it began to melt away at my tough exterior that I so willingly put up as a defense mechanism sometimes.

So, it appears that I'm pretty easy to please. Play "Waiting for a Star to Fall" and then spell something in plastic cups for me and I'm yours.*

Enjoy the cheesiness of the video:

*Also must kill bugs. I saw some sort centipede-type thing in my room tonight and I almost fell over.


these dreams...dreamlover....i can dream about you...dreamweaver...dream on...dont dream its over...

Does anyone have wacko dreams? I've been having weird dreams since I was a kid. Some of them I remember in detail, others not so much (as you'll see below). I pretty much think my brain is way over active and the dreams I had as a kid were totally meant to come back and bite me in the ass. I'm going to try to list some of the dreams I remember and then list some of the ones my friends have told me about. It might explain our behavior. Who knows.

Weird Blimp Guy (circa 1984):
The earliest dream I can remember is one where a evil figure (resembling Count Chocula) was flying overhead in a blimp stealing my stuffed animals. Terrifying.

My Pet Monster (circa 1986):
I had a dream that involved me on a skateboard. I fell off and landed pretty much under a car. My arm was out-stretched and before I knew it, "My Pet Monster", had bitten off my arm. It wasnt bloody or anything, just gone. This fear of "MPM" lead me to a fear of "Where the Wild Things Are" as well. I fear the day that Simon wants me to read that book to him and I have a panic attack.

Short Circuit (circa 1986):
All I remember is that Johnny 5 was chasing me down the alley behind my Grandma's house. I ran into her kitchen and shut the door, but Johnny 5 was strong and started pounding on the door and before I knew it...his little metal hand was coming through the crack of the door and reaching for my neck. Now I can't see the movie "Wall-E" because he is most obviously the evil spawn of Johnny 5. And of course I cant watch "Short Circuit" anymore either.

Preggo (circa 1998):
I had a dream I was pregnant with Brandon's baby. I was mortified in the dream. That's pretty much it. I remember yelling "I DONT WANT THIS KID!"

Puppies (circa 2004):
I remember being in a room with Chris and we were surrounded by puppies. Then we carried candles to another room. They were lit. That's all I remember. Weirdness.

The House (circa 2008):
The first scene has Dion, Alayna and I in a bar. Dion kept trying to buy me beer and hotdogs. Next we were in the new house that Alayna and Dion bought. It was decorated in black/white tile and blue walls. She was really upset that they had an extra attic room...and I pointed out that she could put an older son up there, like Greg Brady.

Alicia's European Dream (2008):
I dont remember much about what Alicia said, but Simon was there dressed as a little European boy and he was proper and had a lovely accent and was making friends with people. I think.

Alayna's Donut Dream (2008):
I'm convinced Alayna had a dream about a donut. It might just be this blog that I'm thinking about. Hmm.

Carson's Monkey Dream (2008):
Straight from his email:
"I had an awesome dream where I was just driving around, but instead of people I kept seeing cute little tree monkeys. Monkeys in suits, construction worker monkeys, girl monkeys, homeless beggar monkeys, kid monkeys that dyed their monkey hair all the colors of the rainbow. Man, it was a good dream."

So, I'm not sure if dreams really mean anything...half the time you cant remember them and its just a hodgepodge of everything that crossed your path that day. The most random things stick in your head and then BOOM weird dream. I'll now leave you with one of the greatest songs ever with "dreams" in the title. Enjoy and don't be scared. You love it.