
these dreams...dreamlover....i can dream about you...dreamweaver...dream on...dont dream its over...

Does anyone have wacko dreams? I've been having weird dreams since I was a kid. Some of them I remember in detail, others not so much (as you'll see below). I pretty much think my brain is way over active and the dreams I had as a kid were totally meant to come back and bite me in the ass. I'm going to try to list some of the dreams I remember and then list some of the ones my friends have told me about. It might explain our behavior. Who knows.

Weird Blimp Guy (circa 1984):
The earliest dream I can remember is one where a evil figure (resembling Count Chocula) was flying overhead in a blimp stealing my stuffed animals. Terrifying.

My Pet Monster (circa 1986):
I had a dream that involved me on a skateboard. I fell off and landed pretty much under a car. My arm was out-stretched and before I knew it, "My Pet Monster", had bitten off my arm. It wasnt bloody or anything, just gone. This fear of "MPM" lead me to a fear of "Where the Wild Things Are" as well. I fear the day that Simon wants me to read that book to him and I have a panic attack.

Short Circuit (circa 1986):
All I remember is that Johnny 5 was chasing me down the alley behind my Grandma's house. I ran into her kitchen and shut the door, but Johnny 5 was strong and started pounding on the door and before I knew it...his little metal hand was coming through the crack of the door and reaching for my neck. Now I can't see the movie "Wall-E" because he is most obviously the evil spawn of Johnny 5. And of course I cant watch "Short Circuit" anymore either.

Preggo (circa 1998):
I had a dream I was pregnant with Brandon's baby. I was mortified in the dream. That's pretty much it. I remember yelling "I DONT WANT THIS KID!"

Puppies (circa 2004):
I remember being in a room with Chris and we were surrounded by puppies. Then we carried candles to another room. They were lit. That's all I remember. Weirdness.

The House (circa 2008):
The first scene has Dion, Alayna and I in a bar. Dion kept trying to buy me beer and hotdogs. Next we were in the new house that Alayna and Dion bought. It was decorated in black/white tile and blue walls. She was really upset that they had an extra attic room...and I pointed out that she could put an older son up there, like Greg Brady.

Alicia's European Dream (2008):
I dont remember much about what Alicia said, but Simon was there dressed as a little European boy and he was proper and had a lovely accent and was making friends with people. I think.

Alayna's Donut Dream (2008):
I'm convinced Alayna had a dream about a donut. It might just be this blog that I'm thinking about. Hmm.

Carson's Monkey Dream (2008):
Straight from his email:
"I had an awesome dream where I was just driving around, but instead of people I kept seeing cute little tree monkeys. Monkeys in suits, construction worker monkeys, girl monkeys, homeless beggar monkeys, kid monkeys that dyed their monkey hair all the colors of the rainbow. Man, it was a good dream."

So, I'm not sure if dreams really mean anything...half the time you cant remember them and its just a hodgepodge of everything that crossed your path that day. The most random things stick in your head and then BOOM weird dream. I'll now leave you with one of the greatest songs ever with "dreams" in the title. Enjoy and don't be scared. You love it.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so first of all, you forgot about my dream in which i was lost in a giant tea cup and the giants were laughing at me. Two, I had forgotten all about California Dreams. I miss that show. Three, I thought of another thing I'm terrified of...the giant in Disney's version of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are afraidof Johnny 5!! Such a good robot. I am going to see if my mom can dig up my old remote control robot and have it roll out from under your desk one morning. (I won't really though for fear that you really will have a panic attack)

I have a few recurring dreams... are yours recurring? Like when I was little I had nightmares about a gorilla coming into my house like every other night. It stopped after years of therapy. Well, that and forcing myself to accept peanuts from a human being dressed like a gorilla at a birthday party. Very difficult.

Do you dream about your teeth falling out? There was a cool article (and video) on NYTimes.com that explored the reason we have dreams... I'll have to find the link for you.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I just laughed my ass off.