
boy meets girl...

Boy Meets Girl is a band from the 80's who were most famous for the song "Waiting for a Star to Fall". The song was featured in "Three Men and a Baby" during a frisbee montage at the end of the movie. I'm not sure if that last sentence is actually true, but I will pretend that it is and I didnt somehow make up a scene in that movie...because that would be sad.

Anyway, I remember hearing this particular song on the 4th of July driving in my car as I saw beautiful fireworks in the distance. It was all very romantic and romantic-comedy-like. I tried to think that it represented some sort of independence from everyone and an independence from my need to be involved in over dramatic situations that I probably create on my own.

But of course, all I really discovered was A) I think too much when I drive alone and B) that I'm a total softie for 80s love songs and anything love-related in general. I've never been one to fall into weepiness over stereotypical "romantic" things...but this song makes my heart go a-flutter.

Besides that goofy 80s song, today (the 11th) I was inspired by something lovely. I was driving to Alayna's on 83N when I saw someones message to their significant other (or maybe crush, stalking victim, etc) on one of the bridges above. It was the infamous creation of words by red plastic cups. Generally used for the magnificent flip cup/beer pong variety, these cups actually spelled the name of the intended party and then a few moments later the second bridge spelled "I love ya" in cups. It struck me as really sweet and it began to melt away at my tough exterior that I so willingly put up as a defense mechanism sometimes.

So, it appears that I'm pretty easy to please. Play "Waiting for a Star to Fall" and then spell something in plastic cups for me and I'm yours.*

Enjoy the cheesiness of the video:

*Also must kill bugs. I saw some sort centipede-type thing in my room tonight and I almost fell over.

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