
surrrrriously? some random thoughts.

  • People who sit next to each other in booths. What is wrong with them? Do you know what I mean? Its the two-some who has to sit next to each other when there is a whole empty side of the booth across from them. Way to waste a booth for a fun group of four who might like it. Maybe because I'm not in a relationship I don't understand the need to sit next to someone and eat...but even if I was, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be one of those people. Isn't it more awkward to turn and talk to someone while eating? When they are in front of you, conversation is much easier. The couple that sits next to each other looks like they are lording over everyone and judging people since they are both looking forward.

  • Why are the people in my body flow class so insane as well? They ruin the very idea of relaxation by being crazy and weirding everyone out.
  • I now have a Wii and may or may not play American Idol Karaoke by myself...which is really no different than me singing around my house...just now I'm being judged. I'm still just as bad at Super Mario Bros 3 as I was when I was 9. How am I not any better? Did I not pay attention during my 5,000 viewings of "The Wizard"...the 2-hour commercial for the game?
  • I blame my somewhat fear of the city on the movie "Adventures in Babysitting". In the movie, they basically prove that going into the city will get you carjacked, involved in an accident, chased by drug dealers, harassed by Thor look-a-likes, and get caught in a blues club. Direct quote from the movie, "This is the city kid, I don't take care of anyone but myself". Scary.

As usual, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

That's all.


Yay Ravens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We call those people SAME SIDE SITTERS and I also think they are judging others haha.

Oh and also, don't forget that there are a few good people in the city - like Thor.