
the enchanted f'ing forest.

Alrighty...this one is going to blow your mind.

In 2005, I wrote a blog...I'm reposting it here. the purpose of this blog starts below the old blog!

things that screwed me up as a child: episode .1
Current mood: creeped out!
Category: creeped out! Travel and Places

when i was little i was taken to all kinds of amusement parks and i was pretty much afraid of at least one thing at each park.

my parents were big fans of "dutch wonderland" in pennsylvania. numerous things scared me here:

log flume and the "froggy" tunnel: it was the tunnel you had to go through before you got to the top of the log flume. it was one of those things that was added after like 10 years to make it more fun. it instead scared the crap out of me. it sent you through a giant frogs huge opened mouth. and once you got in you couldnt see anything. it was foggy and moist and warm and it ended my love of the log flume. do i get on log flumes to this day? NOPE. (with or without a froggy tunnel)

the jungle cruise: what looks like a tame ride is actually a horrifying terror-filled boat ride towards man-eating animatronic plastic animals. is that redundant? oh well. i have a distinct memory of being in the boat and going towards the giant hippo and alligator's mouth, again, scaring the crap out of me.

sky cab: i dont remember the actual name of this ride but i think you get the idea. i wasnt really afraid of this ride but i almost lost a shoe. thats enough to make a girl get upset!

kings dominion:

scooby doo's ghost coaster roller coaster: worst. ride. ever.

disney world:

primieval whirl: horrible. kind of like that stupid mouse ride that spins but there are weird dizzy walls and drops and i wanted to die.

snow whites scary adventures: i stand by the fact that when i went to disney world the first time in 97 it was called "snow whites adventures". when i went back in 99, it was changed to "scary adventures". before this, no one believed that it was scary..."quit being dumb kara, blah blah". ha! proved you all wrong! name was changed!


the entire purpose to this stupid blog. i was mindlessly searching the internet and for some reason i remembered that the enchanted forest was supposed to re-open. i googled it and found some pics. it totally freaked me out. does everyone else remember this place? when i was little i loved it, but now looking back its totally creepy! check out the website. right now the park is closed and it is being overrun with weeds and stuff and it looks really sad...like oz in "return to oz" when the wheelers were running around all kinds of creepy like and tick tock was whining in the back room "wind me dorothy wind me". but thats a whole new complaint for a different time.

anyways, check out the pictures, see if they freak you out or if its just my normal anxiety towards bizarre things in amusement parks. have a nice day:)



Welcome back. Hope you're still reading. So my Dad had agreed to take me to the "new" Enchanted Forest...and today we finally went. My mom swears that I liked it when I was little...I'm not so sure...

When we pulled up to "Elioak's Farm", I could see the crazy Enchanted Forest figurines and houses...I decided I didnt want to go in. It cost $4.00 and before I know it, my Dad paid the lady at the booth and he patted me on the back and said "its time for you to grow up...go into The Enchanted Forest alone". The next thing you know, my parents are hanging out in the gift shop and I'm trudging through the terror that is The Enchanted Forest. I was moving quick. As quick as I could due to my bandaged feet. It was hot and scary and I've documented my visit. See the below slideshow. I hope you enjoy...and I hope I dont have nightmares tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap that is scary. I also doubt that I "used to love it" according to my mom. And Return to OZ was also very creepy. So Snow White was a polygamist? LOL